Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Effects of Littering

How it affects communities:Littering affects the community in positive and negative ways. A negative way it affects my community is that it makes it doesn't make the place look nice and welcoming. You could look at it in a positive way, too. For example, people in my community are disgusted by the trash on the ground so we are trying to start an organization to help prevent that and clean up the mess to stop littering.

How it affects households and local residents:This issue affects households and local residents the same way it affects the community. If there is trash lying all over the ground when someone is trying to buy a house, no one is going to purchase it because it’s unattractive and disgusting. This also affects residents’ health and can cause many problems for them.

How this issue affects area businesses:This issue could affect businesses because if there is litter all around where they work, people aren't going to want to go there because it doesn't look clean. No one wants to go into a business where it looks like they don’t take the time to clean up trash and keep the world clean. Overall, this could cause businesses to lose money since people won’t buy from there and this could cause them to go out of business.

How it affects our government at the local, state, and national levels:        This issue affects the government at the local, state, and national level because fines are created on the state and nation level to control the littering on roadways. They have to enforce the law on no littering to help prevent this issue from getting even worse. On the local level, the local police have to make sure they’re strict on littering and enforce the law to make sure people know it’s wrong and needs to be stopped.

How it affects the rest of the world:This issue not only affects the environment, but also the rest of the world. Littering isn't just in one area, it’s everywhere. There is a lot of litter found around the ocean, which causes it to spread through any body of water to other parts of the world. This is considered a global issue that is not fixed overnight.

How it affects resources, goods and services, and finances:Littering affects resources, goods and services, and finances too. The United States has a huge agricultural industry and the pollution that’s caused by littering can ruin the earth and the crops that are being grown. If the food being grown isn't good to sell, the price of these goods will increase and there is a possibility that it could lead to inflation. Furthermore, littering leads to air pollution, as well as other problems; this can lead to health problems for workers taking them away from their job, which will slow down business.

How it affects international trade:Littering also has a massive effect on international trade. If the U.S. is known for its litter and how unhealthy and unsanitary we are, other countries are not going to want to trade with us. When trash and other chemicals get disposed of improperly, this damages our food products being grown. This will affect international trade because if we don’t have goods that are clean, no one will want to trade with us, and this will end up decreasing the money coming into the United States. People don’t want to trade with a place that can’t take care of its own economy and people.


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